Privacy Policy -

Privacy Policy

We are committed in respecting the privacy of all who avail our service though the website - or through telephone by calling us or any other medium through which may provide its service ("Service"). We respect your privacy and make all attempts to take reasonable care and protection of the information we receive from you. The purpose of this Privacy Policy (the "Policy"), as amended from time to time, is to give you an understanding on how we intend to collect and use the information we received from you. The Policy is subject to changes in the future. Upon changing the Policy, we will publish the updated policy in this site with date. By accessing our Service and providing us such information, you hereby agree to the collection and use of such information for the purposes disclosed in this Policy.

Personal Information

When you register with or access our Service, we may ask you to provide information not limited to your name, age, gender, birth date, company, occupation, title, personal interests, contact number, email, pin code, or other contact information and other relevant data as desired by us ("Personal Information"). Questions or comments submitted by visitors may also be included as Personal Information.

Personal Information Usage

We may use your Personal Information to send you, from time to time, updates or news regarding the Service; respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims; to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of the terms of use or as otherwise required by law; transfer information about you if we are acquired by or merged with another company; seek your feedback or to contact you in relation to the Service offered; administer or otherwise carry out our obligations in relation to any agreement you have with us; anticipate and resolve problems related to the Service; and allow you to subscribe to our newsletters; allow you to get the best offers and discounts from merchants and advertisers in any category of your interest and share your Personal Information with such merchants and advertisers.
You hereby consent that the collection and use of any Personal Information or any other information as disclosed under this Policy shall not cause any loss or wrongful gain to you. Further, you also hereby consent and acknowledge to be bound by the terms and conditions as detailed under

Non-Personal Information and its usage

We may additionally collect non-Personal Information about your visit including the domain name and the name of the web page from which you use our Service, how long you spend on each of our web pages, the Internet Protocol (IP) address associated with your computer, operating system and platform, transaction history, pages viewed, information searched for or requested for, access time and other relevant statistics. We will use this information for the purposes of improving the performance and operations of our Service and listings for our Service.


You authorize us to exchange, share, part with all information (Personal and non-personal), with any agent/third party service provider/banks/financial institutions/credit bureaus/agencies in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network as may be required by law, customary practice, credit reporting, statistical analysis and credit scoring, verification or risk management and shall not hold us liable for use or disclosure of this information.

Information placed on your computer

We may store some information such as cookies on your computer when you access our Service. This information facilitates your use of the Service and ensures that you do not need to re-enter your details every time you visit our website to access the Service. You may erase or block this information from your computer by changing your browser setting. The cookies do not contain or capture any personal information. Your decision to refuse cookies will not prevent you from using the Service, but may limit your ability to take advantage of some of our advanced features.

Children's Privacy

Protecting the privacy of every minor is important to us. The Service is not structured to attract minor children less than eighteen (18) years and you hereby acknowledge that you are above the age of eighteen (18) years old while accessing the Service.

Third Party Links

We may provide links and hyperlinks to third party advertisements as well as provide links and hyperlinks to external sites. The listing of an external site does not imply endorsement of such site by We do not make any representations regarding the availability and performance of the Service or any of the external sites which could be provided. If you click on any advertising banner, sponsor link, or other external link from the Service, you may automatically be directed to a new third party site that is not hosted or controlled by us and we are not responsible for the content, terms of use, privacy policies and practices of such third party service.

Personal Information Accuracy

To the extent that you provide us with your Personal Information, we wish to maintain your Personal Information accurate at all times. If you need to update or correct your Personal Information for any reason, you may send updates and corrections to us at and we may take all reasonable efforts to incorporate the changes in your Personal Information within a reasonable period of time.

Contacting Us

We will address any questions, comments and concerns about our online privacy practice and policy. Please write to us at

Date Updated: 13 February 2023

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